The Balance is broken down into three sections - READ ON, WATCH THIS, and LISTEN UP.
This video explains the different purposes of each section, and how to navigate them:
The following icons also appear across content on The Balance. They're there to give you clear direction about what you're reading, where the information has come from, and whether it's fact, fiction, opinion, or speculation. Here is what they mean:
It's fact. Plain and simple.
True and verified.
It's a lie. No truth here.
Just plain wrong.
A question mark over this one (i.e. it needs clarification), or there's a question to pose.
There's good information here.
It'll give you context and background.
Look out!
There's something misleading going on.
This is someone's opinion.
It might be smart, but it's still opinion.
It's believed... sources say... we've been told.
None of this is verified.
Social media content - but does social media reaction mean it's a story?
Here's some more reading for you.
And it'll come from a variety of views.