The Balance is a boutique news and commentary website.
It is not for breaking news. There are no big headlines.
And - although it sounds simple - articles are carefully designed to be read in full, from top to bottom, to get a more rounded story.
We don't draw conclusions - you can do that for yourself, having been armed with the information.
The Balance is explainer journalism with a focus on context and fairness. Removing bias - subconscious or otherwise - is at the heart of what we do.
With modern-day journalism becoming over-sensationalised as media companies compete for clicks, eyeballs, and advertising dollars, facts have given way to speculation, hearsay, and reaction from social media.
The Balance aims to counter that trend by taking individual stories, and considering them from multiple angles - with a focus on what we actually know, not what we think we know.
Kamahl Santamaria is a New Zealand journalist with 25 years of international broadcast experience.
He worked for TV3 New Zealand and Sky News Australia in his early career, but made his name as a news anchor for Al Jazeera English over a 16 year career with the channel.
Kamahl returned to New Zealand in 2022 to join TVNZ's morning show Breakfast but resigned after only a month in the job.
It was the subsequent reporting on him - based on an unconfirmed media report of 'inappropriate behaviour' - which led Kamahl to create The Balance.
A visual guide to what The Balance is all about, the person behind it and the events which led him to this point, and why 'journalism without agenda' is needed now more than ever.